Some featured events are listed below. For a full listing of CPL events in 2023 please refer to the events calendar.
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'Popular Politics and Informal Constitutional Change', 24 January 2023
Law and Race Speaker series: 'Non-Consensual Sterilisation at the European Court of Human Rights: Vulnerability, Human Dignity, and Confronting Eugenics in Reproductive Healthcare', 6 February 2023
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'The Role of the Royal Prerogative in the Modern UK Constitution', 7 February 2023
Law and Race Speaker series: 'Applying past laws to ongoing wrongs? The limits of inter-temporality when envisioning reparations for historic enslavement', 6 March 2023
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'Indeterminate; Inaccessible; Illegitimate: How Constitutional Conventions Undermine the Strength and Clarity of the UK Constitution', 7 March 2023
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'Online Protests Should not be Protected under The Right of Free Assembly', 14 March 2023
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'The Brexit Isles’ Alter Ego: Revisiting Ireland’s Exit from the Commonwealth 1948-49 in light of the UK’s Exit from the EU 2016-20', 2 May 2023
2023 Sir David Williams Lecture: 'The Craft of Constitutional Adjudication' (Professor Kate O'Regan), Thursday, 4 May 2023
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellows Seminars: '"Maduro Board" of the Central Bank of Venezuela v "Guaidó Board" of Central Bank of Venzuela [2021] UKSC 57', 5 May 2023
CPL Lunchtime seminar: 'An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence on Intelligence Services and Communications', 9 May 2023
Law and Race Speaker series: 'Law, race, rights and the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery', 11 May 2023