Some featured events are listed below. For a full listing of CPL events in 2021 please refer to the events calendar.
CELS/CPL/LCIL webinar: Rapid response on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the EU (Future Relations) Act
On 14 January the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS), Centre for Public Law (CPL) and the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL) hosted an online Rapid Response Seminar on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the EU (Future Relations) Act.
Independent Review of the Human Rights Act
On 1 June CPL held a joint Cambridge/Oxford online event.
Constitutional Law Matters: 'Who’s in charge of the Westminster Parliament?'
This online event examined the balance of power between the Government and Parliament. Can the Government make any law it wishes? Or is it constrained by backbench and opposition MPs?