Some featured events are listed below. For a full listing of CPL events in 2022 please refer to the events calendar.
Some featured events are listed below. For a full listing of CPL events in 2022 please refer to the events calendar.
Lord Carnwath - Privacy International (Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellows Seminars)
The Faculty of Law is organising in the 2022-23 academic years three seminars on key public law cases, given by three Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellows – Lord Carnwath, Lady Hale, and Lord Lloyd-Jones and sponsored by the Centre for Public Law.
The first of these seminars took place on Wednesday 16 November and was given by Lord Carnwath, looking at the Privacy International case. Lord Carnwath gave the leading judgment of the majority in the case. Lord Carnwath and Professor Alison Young talked about the impact of the new ouster clause found in section 2 of the Judicial Review and Courts Act 2022. Lord Carnwath talked about his judgment in this case and the new legislation, with a brief response from Alison Young.
Law and Race talks: 'Addressing Structural Discrimination through International Human Rights Law: the Approach of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination'
Wednesday, 2 November 2022 at 1pm
Speaker: Professor Mehrdad Payandeh, Member, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Professor of International Law, European Law, and Public Law at Bucerius Law School
Law and Race talks: 'Discrimination, Disproportionality, and Black Deaths in Custody'
Thursday, 13 October 2022 at 5.30pm
Speaker: Professor Leslie Thomas KC
Rapid response on the proposed UK Northern Ireland Protocol Bill
On 26 May the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS), and the Centre for Public Law (CPL) held an online Rapid Response Seminar on the proposed UK Northern Ireland Protocol Bill.
The 2022 Sir David Williams Lecture: 'White Water Rafting: the UK's constitutions at a time of stress'
On Friday 6 May 2022, Professor David Feldman delivered the 2022 CPL Sir David Williams Lecture.
Lord Carnwath on Human Rights Act reform – is it time for a new British Bill of Rights?
On 8 February Constitutional Law Matters held an event chaired by Professor Alison Young featuring The Rt. Hon. Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill, a former Justice of the UK Supreme Court and a Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge. He critically examined the Government’s consultation paper.